Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Highbridge Street !

After almost 6 months, last week was my first time ever to walk through Highbridge street. I never bothered to look and walk around small streets around Grey Street.
But, I was surprised that there are some independent stores and some good vintage stores around.

One of the shopkeepers mentioned that Highbridge street used to be busy.

There are only several shops open, such as Deep, Attica, Retro, Eric, RPM, Union and some others. And also a few restaurant around, as well as Stand Up Comedy.

Such a shame that there are not so many people come around this area anymore.
Hopefully, more people are coming here and more shops around to keep the street alive.

Gypsy Caravan in Bigg Market

For the past six months, I always said that I will definitely try the Palm Reading / tarot reading / any reading offered by Angeline Lee in her beautiful caravan.
But, I never do.
Well, there are several reasons for that :
1. I forget
2. When I remembered and went to Bigg Market, the caravan is not there
3. When the caravan was there, I always made excuse and think of doing it next time

Aside from my interest to get the psychic reading, I always wonder how she came all the way to Bigg Market. I have some theories around my mind.

1. At first, I thought she uses horses to carry the caravan. But, then, it is kind of impossible, because I don't see any horse around and there is no place to tie up the horse in the caravan.

2. I thought perhaps she and her friends dragged it all the way to here. I imagined it was like the King Arthur's period where people traveled around with it. But, then, there must be a horse and there is no way to drag it all the way to here.

However, on Thursday (21 Feb), as I walked around the city center trying to find something interesting to put in the blog, I saw the caravan was being placed in the back of a car !!!

Apparently, the caravan is transported by a car !

I looked and laughed at myself because the thought of it being transported with car never crossed my mind.

Angeline Lee's Gypsy Caravan

It's just that modern car and the caravan do not match. LOL.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snow in Newcastle !

Leazes Park
Leazes Park

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